How to become the Ideal Leader?

Being a leader in a company or an organisation can be sometimes tricky. It is a complex role which requires one to be flexible, knowledgeable, trustworthy and inspiring. A leader should set a direction for people, have a vision and be able to solve issues and help others on their way. Being a good leader may seem difficult sometimes but lucky for you, TIWA is here to help!
Below, please find a set of 20 Learning Pills which will help you become the Ideal Leader. In TIWA, we identified 8 main topics which can be challenging for leaders and prepared tips and trick how to work on your leadership skills. Each topic is divided into subthemes to help you focus specifically on what you struggle with the most or what you want to learn about more.
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Want to know more about the current situation of supporting a good working atmosphere in partner countries? Read our State-of-the-Art report and find out what is happening in Bulgaria, Czechia, Ireland, Slovenia and Spain.
State-of-the-Art Report

Happiness in the workplace

Happiness in the workplace

Health and productivity in the workplace

Health and productivity in the workplace

Health and productivity in the workplace

Motivation and lack of recognition

Motivation and lack of recognition

Motivation and lack of recognition

Stress, anxiety and depression

Stress, anxiety and depression

Stress, anxiety and depression

Leadership in the workplace

Leadership in the workplace

Toxic relations in the workplace

Toxic relations in the workplace

Empathy and working together

Empathy and working together

Empathy and working together

Emotional wage in the workplace